Since I m reiki practioner the reiki change my life at all, I have lights also in places that before I found darkness and I found answers when I ask to the universe to send me answers. The reiki is something that i found just for casuality when I broke with one boyfriend and I need urgent soemthing that make me happy and give me everything to continue the life. when I asked to God the question and also I put the question in one internet page it said "reiki is the way to forgive everything" then I remember about one friend that tld me that she was reiki practioner and I ask to her to teach me, he offer me to looking for someone else and at the end I being in contact with her, she teach me about 3 lessons, then i was reading a lot of reiki stuff and talk me about that sometimes we dont need masters, we only need to ask God to practice this and well I had been received all the material about reiki kundalini but I decided to continue alone with my process and I did, at the beginn...
Es un sitio en que no hablo directamente de nada, pero representa diferentes puntos de vista, tips, cuentos, sueños, confesiones