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After a long time i will write open to the world....

Since I m reiki practioner the reiki change my life at all, I have lights also in places that before I found darkness and I found answers when I ask to the universe to send me answers.
The reiki is something that i found just for casuality when I broke with one boyfriend and I need urgent soemthing that make me happy and give me everything to continue the life.
when I asked to God the question and also I put the question in one internet page it said "reiki is the way to forgive everything" then I remember about one friend that tld me that she was reiki practioner and I ask to her to teach me, he offer me to looking for someone else and at the end I being in contact with her, she teach me about 3 lessons, then i was reading a lot of reiki stuff and talk me about that sometimes we dont need masters, we only need to ask God to practice this and well I had been received all the material about reiki kundalini but I decided to continue alone with my process and I did, at the beginning I wasn t believe that I will be strong with my our iniciation but I could do at all and know I think that I am good parctioner.
To be honest I practice it more with me and it relax me so much, but when i try to help someone I m good giving they tell me...
My lawyer carrer, everything is good until know, but i decided to take a break and then take my master degree in international law like I always dream, but of course than for this I need also much money.
I m so happy, the life is sunshine me, my family is a afraid about my changes but I fell myself really good and I think that is the more important how I fell me, i know that is risk everything but, hey the life is a risk, if you don t take a risk you never get anything in your life.
Thanks so much to the persons that understand me, specially to you Daniel, and to my friend Angela that understand me completely, thank u so much, and to you Luis that also staying far away wish me everything good like I wish to you.
The rest well try to understand me
a big huge to each one of the persons that appreciate me...
And also I sent to you love harmony and light


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