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Posesive me?

I do not think so, because I like the breath, not for a long but I like to share each one the privacity and the creations of live to be better together.
Share the silence, I like it so much, but I have to follow this and understand the signals when other is ready to share everything with me.
Some persons put barrers and do not leave that we could know if we really have telephaty or no, the person that really feel telphaty with us could be with us forever is both decide that, plus if this person have good energy and also have a really good chemistry and a thinker adecuate.
Just follow the signals and believe in the universe and everything will be really well.
If I follow my heart are you Daniel Frechette, if I follow my brain are you, if I follow my instints,are you and if I follow my energy are you too, why doubts, you are so far away but still I can decide in this.
Daniel just are you, do not fell scare, just try to give yourself and believe again how always you do with me.


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