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something really good to share...come and read it

Earlier today, after an all day planning and writing
marathon, I needed some quiet... or... some mindless
entertainment. I thought of watching some election
commentary, after all, that's mindless... two guys with no
idea how to do what they're claiming they can absolutely
do. Yeah, that fits the definition of mindless. But not

Cartoons. Yes!

Flintstones. Yes!

In today's episode, the Flintstones and the Rubbles go on
vacation together, and at one point, Fred and Barney are
standing by a stream. The sign next to the stream says,
"Grand Canyon."

Barney said that it sure doesn't look like much to him.
Fred answers back, "Yeah, but they say it's supposed to be
really something someday." Pfffft!

That snapped me out of my relaxation.

Because the same power that created the Grand Canyon out
of just a stream, is exactly how all fears are created.

They start out small, but they grow and grow and grow.

Why does fear grow out of nothing into giant limitations,
making a talented, skilled person unable to take risks and
achieve great things while another person with less talent
and skill enjoys one massive success after another?

It's because of negative consequences... which often begin
in childhood.

For example, when you do something and you make a mistake
or you fail or your break something, you get punished or
get yelled at. You fail and get criticized. You make a
mistake and you lose money. You fail and your reputation
gets harmed, and you get embarrassed. Errors cost you.
You have an accident and it causes you to lose things that
are really important to you. Failures cost you privileges.

And as the criticisms and punishments and costs mount over
a lifetime, our minds do this weird thing and stamp an
identity on us... "I'm a failure." "I'm a klutz." "I'm no
good." "Things don't work out for me."

"Just for that, young man or young lady you can't have any
ice cream. You can't stay up late. You can't watch that
show. You can't have that toy. You can't play with that
toy. You can't go see your friends. I'm gonna kick your
butt. You're fired. It's jail time for you."


And when we get older the consequences of our mistakes,
errors and/or failures take on an even greater importance.

So just like the Grand Canyon, over time, when you try and
fail, try and fail, and you suffer the negative
consequences, each of them have their own degree of hurt.
Some aren't so bad, but others hurt a lot.

And the greater the pain, the less we want to feel it, and
so are mind creates this fear of failing, or fear of
negative consequences, designed for a positive intent... to
eliminate the possibility of failing and looking and
feeling stupid or bad.

The fears get so deeply ingrained that when it comes to
trying new things or setting goals and objectives that
could and would have a truly positive impact on us, in the
back of our minds were thinking not of the potential
positive outcome, but, "What if it doesn't work out?"
"What will everyone think if I mess up?" And this puts the
kabosh on it before you ever take any action.

And over the years, this becomes not conscious. And
limits are created. Boundaries are set... in stone.

Fear does this. Fear of negative consequences. Designed
by our minds to protect us. Barriers to the best in life.

And that is how fear of failure becomes a giant negative
impact in our lives.

It affects everyone to some degree, and it affects most
people to a great degree. Because of the perceived
negative consequences of failing, looking stupid, getting
criticized, losing something.

You can know everything, but if you get stopped over and
over in your life, and don't know why, this is why.

You just had a revelation.

Fear of failure.

The most common and most debilitating negative force on
Earth. Others would say anger is. Still others would say
prejudice and lack of compassion is. They're powerful, to
be sure. But those forces would not exist if not for the
fear of reaching out beyond what is now known.

So if you want to have more abundance and success and
happiness in all the main areas of life, if you want your
life to work, you need to eliminate the deeply held fear of
failure you have.

And you can get rid of it the same way you got it in the
first place... through conditioning... through simple
repetition of thought that we use in 'Releasing Fear Of
Failure Now!'

It's nearly effortless... about five minutes a day of
conscious effort. And for some, it is totally effortless.

The positive consequence of blasting debilitating fear
(even the ones that you don't know you have) is you'll set
goals you've never set, you'll make plans you'd never
planned before, and you'll be having adventures and fun
that you'd never had before. And you'll be achieving
things you never have before.

Because without the fear, you'll be brave. Courageous.

As clear as I can be, if you want most probably the
biggest negative force in your life to be reduced and to go
away, get 'Releasing Fear Of Failure Now!' NOW at


Mike Brescia

PS: Imagine what the odds were against David when he went
up against Goliath. But David looked at his moutain-sized
fear and shrunk it down to the size of... a rock. And
slayed Goliath with it. Learn what it feels like to be go
after your desires without fear of negative consequences.
Get 'Releasing Fear Of Failure Now!' at
- and save now before
the 25% introductory discount is over.

For you Internet phobics, you can call 1-315-468-4300
between 8:30am-4:14pm M-F to get your copy. Don't wait
till the end of the day. Phone lines get busier later in
the day.

(c) copyright 2008 Think Right Now Int'l

Orders: 1-315-468-4300
Fax: 315-468-5818


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