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How things are making real in my life

How everything that you ask to the universe become reallity, few months ago I said, I am here in Montreal and still I do not know how is my place, I do not stay in the beautiful islands that we have.
First I went to San Blas, that to me is a paradise becoming true, next I went to the beach with one really close friend of mine and I have been invited to Archipielago de las Perlas, a really beatiful place, we have seen on there beautiful dolphins and also beautiful walves, how I do not know just happened, then I have been invited by my best friend to Taboga and was awesome, and at the end I have been involved with my parents to Bocas del Toro, there I visit three places, the most beautiful Estrella, we watch really beauty animals and that I turn back I see how easy the universe just open the doors when you ask for soemthing and becoming that true...
But I also see that I need also company, travel there just with parents and nothing to do during the night is not that next time all of this but also I will like to receive funniest stuff..
Incredible experiences...


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