1.Dare to change yourself is the easiest way to change things around you. 2.Dare to know more about the things you desire that the things you fear. 3.Dare to ask the universe for every solution you see is out there, waiting to be invited into your life. 4.Dare to have every word you say and every thought you think be great in silence which they feel. 5. Dare to find a house in your heart and feel them with grace. 6 Dare to let go go and let wisdom flow. 7.Dare to listen to the silence, is amazing what you can hear. 8.Dare to let go that that you cannot control for bring you much inner peace. 9.Dare to make the difference in a live of someone every day for the dare for make a difference in your life. 10.Dare to look how much we are alike so our differences disappear. 11.Dare to stop running for things that are not even chasing you. 12.Dare to belief that the heaviest loans deliver the greateast rewards. 13.Dare to reverse the lonely valleys as they are part of the high route...
Es un sitio en que no hablo directamente de nada, pero representa diferentes puntos de vista, tips, cuentos, sueños, confesiones