No soy buena recordando autores, pero estas citas las he encontrado en libro de Richard Barlett, Mi Mentor un Millonario, Carnegie, Stephen Mitchel y The Science of Getting Rich., la película del Secreto y otros que aún no recuerdo.
1. Ocúpate y no mires atrás.
2. I can do anything I got the desire to do.
3. Love your dreams enough that you become to embody them.
4. Haz lo que te diga el corazón y Dios estará contento.
5.Every day and every way my life is getting better and better.
6. The frontier is your mind.
7.Increase the incidence of the miracles in your life.
8. Every day I grown stronger.
9. I can become stronger in my weakest area.
10. Your real work is decide what you want.
1. Ocúpate y no mires atrás.
2. I can do anything I got the desire to do.
3. Love your dreams enough that you become to embody them.
4. Haz lo que te diga el corazón y Dios estará contento.
5.Every day and every way my life is getting better and better.
6. The frontier is your mind.
7.Increase the incidence of the miracles in your life.
8. Every day I grown stronger.
9. I can become stronger in my weakest area.
10. Your real work is decide what you want.