A while ago my the grandma of my mom told me that when she was a child she just eat basic food, in the place that he use to eat was the seafood, so they eat a lot of eat. It was very rarely when she eat an egg and she just ate it when she was sick. At that type they did not have so much money, so they use the "trueque" to eat and to have some stuff. Her family, if I am not mistaken use to plant beans and after that grow they share with others. They were so poor that once my grandpa met her and wanted to stay with her(even that she was just a teenager of 15 years), she told her to get marry on him. He has gold and a good way to live, so he get involve them. He decided to go out of the island and they move to the city. He has to get a real job and take really care of them, because live in the city is so different. With the side of my mom. My grandma happen something peculiar, my grandma decided to study and live in the city. Her dreams were different and I can say that s...
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