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vivir con lo fundamental...just dreams

A while ago my the grandma of my mom told me that when she was a child she just eat basic food, in the place that he use to eat was the seafood, so they eat a lot of eat.  It was very rarely when she eat an egg and she just ate it when she was sick.
At that type they did not have so much money, so they use the "trueque" to eat and to have some stuff. Her family, if I am not mistaken use to plant beans and after that grow they share with others.
They were so poor that once my grandpa met her and wanted to stay with her(even that she was just a teenager of 15 years), she told her to get marry on him. He has gold and a good way to live, so he get involve them.  He decided to go out of the island and they move to the city. He has to get a real job and take really care of them, because live in the city is so different.
With the side of my mom. My grandma happen something peculiar, my grandma decided to study and live in the city. Her dreams were different and I can say that she accomplish almost all of them, but she missed lands, real money for her dad and cows, etc, ect. At that time she could be enjoying all of this fruits, living in the interior and enjoying a good air, good health(I mean without using pills) she already use them. I do not know. When I think about them come to my life ideas about
"why my grandma instead of stay right there, even that she has her sisters right there prefer the city"
and the grandma of my mother, well she did not have option, was the decision of her mother.
At the end I have to say, if I have some chikens and heans I will capable to live without pass hungry.
I can plant yam and eat with those, plant some fruits, like banana, mango,"guanabana" if that grow, and some beans to have it when I want. Water I can take it for the rivers and take a shower overthere.
Light during the night, I need to buy, before go and take my experience, a solar plant...
Well all of this is an idea that once I have the opportunity, taking in count that know is just a drean I will be ready to do this, but other thing"always I need someone else to share that experience.

For the other side the most big dream that I have ever is to live in a boat, eating just seafood, and some plants that I can get everywhere, but I need enough money first to buy a boat, I think for this I definetely need a real lovely person and for me that will never be an experience, that will be my life for the moment and go on


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