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Spread the Peace

The following writings are by Sharbel El-Haber, one of the people who inspired this peace project.
Sharbel lives in Beirut, Lebanon, where recent military activity put his life in jeopardy.
Can you believe he found the peace of mind to write this in the middle of a war?
May all of you find the courage to see higher in your own personal battles.
—Julian Kalmar, Founder, 10 Million Clicks For Peace™

Day 1
 On Truth
Truth is the mystery of our divinity
A story never told, yet a secret forever sought
The master key that sets our souls free
To live and love, to just be
It is never the outside world that we see
It is who we are, a realization of one Unity.

Day 2
Let them make war, and we will preach love.

As today is the second day of our peaceful experiment,
I can find no better hearts to share with you these
loving thoughts on connection and synchronicity.

On Connection...

I am You. You are Me. A manifestation of divinity.
We are one limitless being, an expansion of infinity
One mind, one heart, one soul born from the same Source
Rays of light emanating from one loving force
Droplets in a an ocean with boundless borders
A synchronicity of realizations of divine order
A pulsation of one beautiful Heart
A reflection on one radiant Light.

On synchronicity

Divine timing knows no coincidences, no happenstance
Just a series of opportunities for us to advance
Guided gifts of higher purpose and meaning
Uplifting our souls, elevating us to higher learning
A continuous unfolding of hidden mysteries
Awakening messages to recreate our history, to evolve our legacy.

Love Always,

Day 3
On Equality
We are given eyes to witness and not judge
A heart to accept others with no grudge
Our differences are the colors of our reality
Reflections of one Source of remarkable creativity.
Why feel separate and deny our ever present equality?
Let us drop prejudices and love unconditionally.

Day 4
On Choice
I choose to abandon false beliefs
All that I was I now release
I tap into the infinite power within
Abandon feelings of separation and sin
I open to the infiniteness of my beingness
Celebrate my beautiful life, my magnificence.

Day 5
On Co-Creation
I call on my Creator to hold my hand
And lovingly lead me to my dream land
To co-create a conscious life of integrity
Oneness with all and equality
To be a bright light for all humanity
A co-creator of peace, wholeness and unity.

Day 6
On Manifestation

Whatever I desire I consciously create
As I am already rich and not separate
With faith of the mustard seed
I make dreams reality with such speed
I manifest a life of love and divinity
A gift I share with all humanity.

Day 7
On Realization

I wake up and find myself free
Of struggle and seeking who I can be
I look within and see Spirit in me
The eternal Truth, my innate divinity.

Day 8
On Forgiveness

Forgive me for forgetting who I AM
For not loving You as much as I can.
Forgive me for forfeiting your eternal Love
For failing to receive my divine gifts from above.
Forgive me for not thanking you enough
Forgetting that we are all made of the same stuff.
Forgive me for feeling desperate
For ever believing that I am separate.
Forgive me for not stepping into the Light
For judging what's wrong and right.
Forgive me for failing to trust
For the illusion that struggle is a must.
For give me for not letting go of the past
For believing that this dream will last.
Today let us all practice forgiveness
And celebrate togetherness, our Oneness.

On Beliefs

I believe that thoughts create my reality
Are the power horse of my manifesting ability
I consciously choose those that serve humanity
That proliferate peace, love and unity.

Day 9
On Responsibility
Respond to my ability is what I call responsibility
To tap into my limitless power, to allow my greatness to flower
To make the world a better place, a divine realm for the human race
To perceive a new reality, our everlasting divinity
To turn tears into joy, life a story to enjoy
To bring light to the darkness, my healing abilities to harness
To simply love now & forever, to lift souls higher & higher.

Day 10
On Acceptance
I accept all that comes my way
Embrace all happenings of the day.
Just like trees' leaves in the morning breeze
I flutter with surrender and extreme ease.
I accept experiences that let me grow
Allow my beingness to be in the flow.

Day 11
On Energy
At the beginning there was light
Then a harmonious dance of day and night
Our souls awakened by divine energy
Joined on a journey of eternity
Danced in joy, peace & harmony
Sang for love, gratitude and unity
Energy is love in action, an extinguishable passion
A desire to live and love in a miraculous fashion.

Day 12
On Openness
I open myself to my limitless being
To a life of infinite possibilities & wondrous
And connect to Source, everyone and everything.
I align my heart, mind and soul
Awaken to purpose and allow myself to soar.
I embrace change and expand my consciousness
I open to acceptance and practice forgiveness
I flow with love and share my gentle beingness.

Day 13
On Surrender

I see love waiting for my return home
Calling my name as I struggle & roam.
Her words echoed in my ears
My eyes filled with many tears
For a reunion so long sought
A release of sorrows, illusions & faults
I surrender my heart to eternal Truth
I allow my soul to heal and soothe
I surrender to the ocean of love
Awaken to beingness & realize I am love.

Day 14
On Release

My greatest illusion I now release
Open my heart to love & flow with ease.
My faked fears I exchange with truthful beliefs
I let go of attachment, resentment and mischief.
I release my soul to soar and expand
Cherish my blessings countless as the grains of sand.
I set my attention to who I can be
Affirm my intention to be forever free.

Day 15
On Healing

I open my heart to receive healing
Accept my lessons & allow my limitless being
To unite with the infinite Light
To shine so bright in the darkest nights
To be a healing force, one with my loving Source

On Giving

Giving, sharing and serving are my ultimate bliss
An opportunity that I surely never miss.
I lovingly give and receive more
For this is who I am at my core.
Giving of myself to others grows in my wings feathers
With which I fly higher and higher, loving life, living my Truth forever.

Day 16
On Receiving

I open my heart to Your Divine Presence
Gratefully embrace who I am, my loving essence.
I receive my blessings and dance in Your Abundance
Share my gifts with others and celebrate oneness.
I receive the endless flow of Your Love
Eternally shine with love like an angel from above.

Day 17
On Barriers

I drop all illusions of who I can be
I know that barriers cannot stop me
For joy, love & peace are my destiny.
With courage I keep moving forward
Trust is my shield & faith my sword
I release fears, doubt and disbeliefs
All seemingly obstacles I perceive.

Day 18
On Illusions
As I look at the twinkling stars at night
I let go of illusions and shine my eternal light.
I awaken to my truth that I am the creator of circumstance
That pain, fear, lack & struggle are reflections of love in absence.
I realize that my inside is the sculptor of my outside
That I am whole, worthy with no flaws to hide.
I release all illusion that I am separate
Live a life of oneness, in one omnipresent Spirit.

Day 19
On Balance
Balance is a dance of harmony
A perfect interplay of duality.
Though we may seldom understand
The mysteries of life at hand,
Universal principles are always in operation
Bringing our thoughts & feelings into manifestation
Getting our mind, heart & soul into alignment
For our continuous growth and refinement.

Day 20
On Perception

I perceive my human existence
A process of evolution, a divine transcendence.
My reality is what I perceive
Through thought, inner consciousness and belief.
My faith and love hold the vision
Of a unified world with no division,
Of Brothers & sisters living in harmony
Celebrating unity, as one loving community.

Day 21
On Gratitude

How can I thank thee for the flowing love in me,
For your gracious giving, my limitless being,
For the abundant life I am living?
I accept myself and just see
Myself a sparkle of divinity.
To thank you I step into who I can be
Realize I am the universe & not just the human me.

Day 22
On Peace

I take off the veil and choose to feel
My inner being of love and peace
Judgment, separation and fear I release
All illusions of separateness I seize.
I bless our oneness & connect to all humanity
Lovingly radiate the peace of our divinity.

On Creativity
I am a creative being of infinite ability
I breathe life into my dreams and make them reality.
I create a life of grace and beauty
Abundant in joy, love & harmony.

We willingly came here to have it all
To love, to serve & to fulfill our role.

Day 23
On Faith
When I read today's peace experiment message on faith,
I felt so much ecstasy for I knew that faith is my
constant companion, the power with which I hold the
vision and embrace life's infinite possibilities.

Faith is believing without seeing
Trusting the potentiality of my being.
Faith is the drive that keeps my passion alive
To welcome adversity, relax and just strive.
Faith is what keeps me going
Even when my desires are not showing.
Faith is knowing that the stream however small always
merges with the sea
That I am what I will and choose to be
Faith is rejoicing in the moment
Lovingly living free of atonement.
Faith is celebrating who we are
Rays of light emanating from an ever shining Star.

Day 24
On Beauty
Beauty is a touch of divinity
A remarkable quality of reality
A symphony of events in harmony.
Beauty is love in procession
The highest gift in possession.
Beauty is the laughter of a child
In the everlasting ocean ebb and tide.
Beauty is in the universe's miraculous simplicity
In the stillness of our soul and its serenity.
Beauty is the fragrance of our beingness
An expression and celebration of our oneness.

Day 25
On Love
Love is all that is and all there is
The binding force of the universe.
Love is the purpose of my existence
The pure essence of my beingness.

Love is the echo of my soul, the rhythm of life
Living a life of love is what keeps me alive
To Accept, surrender & stop the struggle to survive

Love is the song of the rustling leaves
As they freely flow in the morning breeze
Love is the everlasting dance of day & night
The mighty source of our ever shining light

Love is the beauty of existence
The journey towards transcendence
Love is who we are, a reflection of One Infinity
A communion with Divinity, the Truth of our Unity.

May we all know Love & live Love every day of our lives!

Day 26
On Diversity
Diversity is an expression of creativity
The melody that adds beauty to reality.
Through differences we decide
What we want to feel inside.
Diversity adds to life excitement
The opportunity to accept that others are whole
As unique beings on the path of enlightenment
A manifestation of an undivided Divine Soul.

Day 27
On Alignment

Alignment is when we realize we are One
Rays of light emanating from an eternal Sun
When we live in harmony with universal laws
Accept each other's differences & love our foes

Alignment is to sing one song
To seek the goodness that we long
To practice love and forgiveness
To tap into the potentiality of our beingness
To open to the infinite wisdom within
To drop the illusion of separateness & sin.

When we align our minds, hearts & souls
We add meaning to life and realize our role
To live a life of divinity, embrace wholeness & serenity.

Day 28
On Recognition

Recognition is a process of remembering
That we are a divine offspring
Opening to abundance, to our limitless oneness
Going within to a higher state of inner consciousness
Waking up from a dream, however true reality may seem.

Recognition is a state of awareness
Of our infinite potentiality & wholeness
That love is always here and now
When we surrender, trust & allow.

Day 29
On Power

Power is the will to awaken to my totality
To live love, to express my divinity
To embrace challenge, my beliefs to manage
To shine my light with all my might.

Power is aligning with purpose pf living
Knowing the Truth of my inner being
To sow the seeds of potentiality
To express the bliss of one Unity.

Power is to bounce back after every setback
To live love not fear, abundance not lack
To make a conscious choice, our heartfelt emotions to voice
Powers is to be who we are
To change direction no matter how we've gone far.

On Purpose

Purpose is adding to life meaning
Aligning my energies for a conscious living
Impacting the world in a positive way
Living love and gratitude every day.

Purpose is sharing my gifts with all humanity
Living my Truth, my self authenticity
Purpose is living in an incredible fashion
Claiming the power of my profound passion.

Infinite Blessings to every one of you!

Day 30
On Groundedness
Groundedness is the feeling of centeredness
Awakening to the Truth of existence
Awareness of the power of my beingness
Knowing that all is perfect and divine
That I am a gift to all humankind

Groundedness is realizing my eternity
Connecting to Source, Expressing my divinity
Living a life of purpose and integrity
Continuously expanding towards infinity...

Day 31
On Vision
On the last day of our peace experiment, I would love
to share with all peacemakers a new vision. I pray
that we all join in the intention of releasing all
struggle and just be who we are, for in that is the
utmost realization, a revelation of our Truth and our
awakening to our limitless potential to live a life of
wholeness, abundance, knowingness, happiness and love.
Today let us remember that we are one mind, one heart,
one soul, one love, one dream, a reflection of
divinity, a manifestation of eternity, a creation of
infinity. Here's what I see today.

I see myself on the mountain top
Setting the vision of an abundant crop
Seeing a new reality through my eyes
A life of beauty with no sighs

I see all humanity living as one community
Singing a song of unity, dancing in harmony
Dropping the illusion of separateness, living in oneness
Celebrating the infiniteness of our beingness

I see our souls shining the Light
Releasing fears, fantasies & fight
Allowing our beingness to blossom & soar
Loving forever, creating the life that we adore

I see beings stepping in the power of our way
Counting our blessings every day
Merging into the boundless ocean
Fueling our thoughts with emotion

Moving forward on this never ending path
Breaking barriers, releasing our past
Living the eternal present
Opening our hearts to divine presence

Remembering who we all are
Being the Love that is here and now

In Love, Truth & Light

Beirut, Lebanon

Sharbel wrote the following letter to his mother who passed away six month ago.
He wanted me to share it with you.

A Letter From A Loving Son…

(…and the legacy of peace left by his mother)
My Lovely Friends,

Today marks 6 months since my mother returned home.
Being part of my universal family and as a token of my
appreciation of our togetherness, I would love to
share with you a letter that I wrote to my mother.
Thank you for being one of the most treasured
blessings that I have, one of the countless gifts of
my mother, a loving bond of unity, a glimpse of
divinity, an expression of infinity.

Here goes the letter.

"I asked my heart to write you a letter, to tell you
that I miss you, to promise you that I will always be
your loving son. I know that you never left me for I
can feel your presence always beside me. You gave me
life twice, once when I was born in physical form and
the other when you gave yourself for me to be who I
always was, am and will be. Your gift of unconditional
tireless and selfless love I cannot bear but share
with all humanity. Today I realize more than ever how
infinitely I am blessed, loved and cared for. You took
my pain to heal me and bring me back to sanity. You
wanted me to have it all, to be who I can be, to
become more, to have more, to shine my eternal light,
to live life with love, with no limits. You are my
highest gift, the purpose to live your love and keep
forever growing, expanding, sharing, shining, loving
and serving. I thank you for your endless blessings
and your loving care. I know that there is nothing for
me to do but surrender to Divine Love, to allow my
Truth to emerge, to release my past and to trust in
the wonderful life that is unfolding here and now. I
promise you to be the most who I can be, to keep
loving you, to honor you and to live the life that you
gave yourself for me to have. Your Love alone is all
what I need to be who I am and to be to the world what
you are already for me. Loving you always."

Your Loving Son,


10 Million Clicks For Peace is a collaborative project with 501 (c)(3)
Copyright 2007 by 10 Million Clicks for PeaceAll Rights Reserved. Design by LightWerx Media. Project facilitated by PassAlong Concepts.


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