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A meditative thing

For one reason that I do not understand a lot of persons around me that disappeared in the past I am finding in a lot of places. It is amazing but it is like this, also I had to put clear to so many persons that I have already my decision and I do not want to involve my feeling with any person, I feel me like a long time ago, really really faithfull to my fellings, well considerating some changes that I do now but at least a really good girl.
I hope that the entirely world be open to my dreams soon and everything that I doing actually will be really good at all.
I do not why actually I am writting more in English and when I try to write in Spanish I can not found the words, just for my work, but in my personal stuff I think more in English than in Spanish, maybe soon I just going to write in English or French.


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Asi se ve Panamá

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Aprendiendo a no dejar espacios en blanco

La vida es lo que queremos que sea. La vida es un juego alucinante, es el saltar en paracaidas, es vivir hasta quedarnos sin aliento y sentir estamos felices, para qué desperdiciar tiempo hablando o diciendo cosas no queremos sucedan. La vida se manifiesta según lo que más queremos y más hacemos.