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attraction law article

With all the talk about the Law of Attraction and manifesting our heart's desire, one important point seems to get glossed over. What are we contributing to others and the world?

The abundance we experience is not just a matter of affirming abundance, but of living it. How do we live abundance? By giving. When we give of ourselves, our time, and our talents, we make a living declaration of having more than enough. When we care for others and give to them without need of repayment or acknowledgment, Life gives to us in the same way.

Do you want to increase your experience of abundance? Then give of what you have and what you are. Give from your heart, with love. Do things for others that are not required of you, and don't brag about it. Ask yourself each day, "What can I do for others today? What am I giving today?" Do it, then let it go. Don't look for your reward. Perfect support, healing, inspiration, and abundance will come to you in the most perfect way for you. In the process, you will know true joy and deep inner peace. Those are the bonuses.


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