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seems that I am letting behind my love past

after a long time I understood how is the life. I understood that life can be so simple, life can be so incredible and so happy if you do not question things and just let that things flu. So happy to see my friends after a long time. All of them with a good family and loving them so much. Wish a day will have a family like this and be so happy as they are, that no matter obstacles, no matter how hard can be stay a couple together, but they keep staying together and they keep being happy that is the magic of life. People that I really respect and I really love with me is a very good experience. Thanks God to give me the opportunity to see Daniel again, to make me understand finally that is the best friend a women can have and thank you for all you give me during this month. Hope next month will be a really good month and I will be able to finish one of my longest case finally. Keep giving me light to make me happy all the time. Giana


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