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Follow my dreams

Yes, is amazing but it is like this, after a long time I could said that I am doing that..I am thinking really in make my page and also work how a lawyer since another part in the world how it said since I open that, I stop my dreams so many times for persons that want to continue living in my country, but now I am really sure what I am doing.
I am working also how lawyer, and taking experience in tribunals, that is good
One time I read that the person that do not change your life plan and is really in the side of your goals is the person of your life...I have to wait, just a little bit more and in nothing I am going to be ready to begin with a plan of 2 years ago I put to myself and my life plan since I was a really small girl.


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Asi se ve Panamá

En esta foto se muestra como vivimos teniendo con un lado la clase pobre del país y al otro la clase rica. Bien separados pero solo ellos tienen los privilegios de estar en esos lugares. La clase media vive en lugares alejados a la ciudad y que antes se le consideraba afueras. Asi es Panamá

Aprendiendo a no dejar espacios en blanco

La vida es lo que queremos que sea. La vida es un juego alucinante, es el saltar en paracaidas, es vivir hasta quedarnos sin aliento y sentir estamos felices, para qué desperdiciar tiempo hablando o diciendo cosas no queremos sucedan. La vida se manifiesta según lo que más queremos y más hacemos.