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Sumergida en mi

Ûltimamente he estado teniendo muchísimas ideas, creo que esto me está haciendo mucho bien.
he estado desde conciertos excelentes, en donde sentí que la vida cruzaba delante de mi y me decía, si todavía no estaba segura, mi camino está trazado y debo seguirlo, I did already the way,how I have read somewhere I have already my dreams into the sky now I have to built the steirs . It is something that to me is incredible and I really like.
I hope like now everything could be able to be done. I need everything done for june and I expect that I have it without any problem.
Oh my God, Universe Law function so good and the ether is helping to do that even better than before...
I am totally happy and each day even more, some things are just in a side and some stuff that need to be repair will done soon.
Almost ready to my next step...


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